20 old pictures of Bernie Sanders looking chill af.
Bernie Sanders, looking chill at some sort of table, sending chill vibes to someone off camera.
Bernie Sanders, looking chill behind his desk. He would be a super chill college professor.
Even in victory, Bernie Sanders remains chill.
Bernie, with a large amount of chill, leads a chill-looking sit in during college.
Bernie, just hanging out during a protest. Being chill.
Bernie Sanders raises a chill, chill fist.
Pretty chill to be in the recording studio laying down some tracks.
Bernie giving a chill speech about being a chill mayor (repeated later as chill Senator).
Bernie, chilling in Vermont, at a chill mayoral re-election party.
Bernie being sworn in as mayor, maintaining his chill.
Bernie, standing next to a balloon, just being a chill dude.
Bernie, trying to make a point, and succeeding at being chill.
Bernie hugs when he’s happy; that’s chill.
Sharing a victory, in a handsome sweater? Chill.
Giving a press conference while looking like you just got out of bed? Maximum Chill.
Bernie playing softball, the chillest of the diamond-based sports.
Bernie worked at a newspaper in the 70s (chill) and would bring his chill baby to meetings.
Looking thoughtful in a newspaper photo? That’s way chill.
Running for office against long odds and winning? That’s chill.
Continually defying expectations because you genuinely care about constituents and what it means to hold office despite constantly appearing super, super chill? Perhaps the chillest move of them all.
This has been “20 pictures of Bernie Sanders looking chill af.”
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