6 Siblings of GOP Rep. Paul Gosar Endorse His Opponent in Arizona Race [UPDATED]

It’s going to be awkward at the Gosar family Thanksgiving dinner this year.

Six of Republican Rep. Paul Gosar’s siblings appeared in TV ads unveiled Thursday night pleading for Arizona voters to elect Gosar’s Democratic opponent, David Brill, to represent the state’s western 4th District.

Siblings Grace, David, Jennifer, Tim, Joan, and Gaston Gosar were blunt in their assessments that their lawmaker brother, first elected in 2010, couldn’t care less about his constituents and their concerns.

“Paul’s absolutely not working for his district,” attorney David Gosar said.

“If they care about healthcare, they care about their children’s healthcare, they would hold him to account,” added sister Grace, a rural physician.

“If he actually cared about people in rural Arizona, I bet he’d be fighting for social security, for better access to healthcare, I bet he would be researching what is the most insightful water policy to help the environment of Arizona sustain itself and be successful,” said sister Jennifer.

It seems the congressman, a former dentist, may have a deeply rooted problem with empathy.

“[H]e’s not listening to you. And he doesn’t have your interests at heart,” brother David, a private investigator, said.

Gosar made national headlines last January when he asked the U.S. Capitol Police and Attorney General Jeff Sessions to check the IDs of everyone attending President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address to arrest “any illegal aliens in attendance.”

“Any illegal aliens attempting to go through security, under any pretext of invitation or otherwise, should be arrested and deported,” Gosar tweeted at the time.

According to CNN, Gosar is the oldest of 10 children. Among his accomplishments are blaming the Unite the Right white supremacist rally last year in Charlottesville, VA, on billionaire George Soros and organized leftists. Gosar also accused Soros of turning in “his own people to the Nazis,” CNN reported.

The Phoenix New Times reported that another campaign video shows Grace Gosar saying, “It would be difficult to see my brother as anything but a racist.”

David Gosar told the newspaper, “None of us are doing this for publicity. None of us even want to do it.”

On Saturday, Gosar responded on Twitter by saying, “Stalin would be proud.”

“My siblings who chose to film ads against me are all liberal Democrats who hate President Trump,” Gosar tweeted. “These disgruntled Hillary suppporters are related by blood to me but like leftists everywhere, they put political ideology before family. Stalin would be proud.”

Electing Brill, who served as head of primary care at the Veterans Administration for 10 years, will be a long shot. In 2016, Gosar won by more than 40 percentage points, CNN said.


Update, Sunday, 11:23 a.m.: This post has been updated to include Gosar’s response on Saturday via Twitter.

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