A Visual History of Bernie Sanders' Resting Bitch Face

Bernie Sanders has resting bitch face, says Bernie Sanders.

Asked this weekend on Face the Nation about his “stoic expression” during Hillary Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention, the Vermont senator replied: “I always have that look on my face. That’s nothing new. I am not always the smiling kind of guy.”

I fact-checked this statement.

Bernie Sanders had resting bitch face at his own rally in South Carolina in June:

Bernie Sanders had resting bitch face while talking to the president of United Steelworkers in Indiana:

Bernie Sanders had resting bitch face while he waited to speak at a rally in New Hampshire:

Bernie Sanders had resting bitch face at an event honoring Martin Luther King Jr. in South Carolina:

Bernie Sanders had resting bitch face at a congressional forum on the debt crisis in Greece:

Bernie Sanders had resting bitch face while attending the University of Chicago:

Even this tiny child had resting bitch face at while listening to Bernie Sanders speak in New Jersey:

It all checks out. That is just his face.

Hard same, Bernie. Hard same.

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