Beto O'Noooooooooooooooooooooooo

Of course he did it!!!!

Former Texas Representative and counter bobblehead Beto O’Rourke pulled out the big guns on the first night of the Democratic debates by opening with a bunch of nice statements in Spanish and failing to answer the one question asked of him.

Asked by moderator Savannah Guthrie about whether he supports a 70 percent marginal tax rate on billionaires, O’Rourke made all of us Texans watching at home very proud by saying one sentence in English before veering into Spanish.

Speaking in such a way that even I, having not taken a Spanish class in four years, was able to mostly understand what he was saying, Beto said, “We need to include every person in the success of the economy. But if we want to do this, we need to include every person in our democracy. Each vote, each voter, we need the representation, every voice we need to listen.”

Even Cory Booker looked on in amusement.

At the end of O’Rourke’s statement talking about wealthy people, Guthrie reminded him that he didn’t answer the question. When asked again, he said he supports a “tax rate and tax code that’s fair to everyone” and raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent.

Meanwhile, Julián Castro is surely looking on, waiting in the wings to show O’Rourke that he’s going to have to do more than his Google translate Spanish trick to please the crowd.

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