Boston Approves All But Certain Straight Pride Riot

A major northeastern city actually approved an application for a parade celebrating straight people, and, yeah, it’s the one you think it is.

As the New York Times reports, on Wednesday the city of Boston approved a public event application and parade route for the so-called “Straight Pride Parade.” The event organizers, a group who calls themselves Super Happy Fun America, claim the parade isn’t anti-LGBTQ but “our own celebration just like everybody else has a right to”—and yet, they named right-wing troll Milo Yiannopoulos the parade’s grand marshall, so, you know. We know.

Indeed, the whole Straight Pride Parade, announced at the start of Pride Month, is one big troll—organizers released this statement when The View slammed it, for example—which is why it’s going to be such a mess. And yet, despite the backlash (and there was a lot) Boston decided to approve the application anyway.

“Applications to host a public event are granted based on operational feasibility, not based on values or endorsements of beliefs,” the city told reporters in a statement. “The City of Boston cannot deny a permit based on an organization’s values.” (Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, has denied organizers’ request to fly a “Straight Pride” flag, so at least there’s that.)

The parade date is set for August 30, according to organizers, and though they still need an official parade permit, Boston police say they’ll probably approve it. And so, come the end of summer, Yiannopoulos and his merry band of troll monsters are free to descend upon the city of Boston, a place filled with some very lovely people and also fans of the New England Patriots. I’m sure this will go very well.

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