Canadians Love Facebook and Other Facts You Didn't Know

We all know that girl on Twitter who is always posting what she had for breakfast. She’s not alone. There’s close to 300 million more just like her.

What about that friend on Facebook we probably never met — who always posts stuff on the news feed? Chances are he’s probably Canadian.

Okay, maybe not Canadian, but keep reading below for more social media facts you probably didn’t know.


1. There are 20 million fake accounts on Twitter. But who cares as long as they grow our followers list.

2. Twitter is more of a news service rather than a diary hooked up to a loudspeaker.

3. There’s a reason you know what all your friends had for lunch. 285 million Twitter users post about their daily activities, making it the most popular post subject on Twitter.


1. Moms are all over Facebook! Three-quarters of all U.S. mothers are on Facebook liking and commenting on all their children’s posts and college parties pics.

2. Facebook’s privacy policy is 5,830 words. That’s longer than the U.S. Constitution.

3. Canadians really love Facebook. About 74% of Canadians check Facebook on a daily basis, making them the most active nationality on the site.


1. More than half of us hate our jobs. Over half of LinkedIn users update their information regularly.


1. Women rule Pinterest. Almost 70% of users are female.

2.)Food fanatics love Pinterest. Over 57% of the discussions on Pinterest are about food.

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