CNN Trolls the Trumps, Drawing Ire of Melania's Spokeswoman

CNN clearly has had enough of President Donald Trump and his attacks against the network and news media in general.

In a racist Friday night tweet, Trump went after LeBron James and CNN host Don Lemon, calling the latter “the dumbest man on television.” Lemon “made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do,” the president of the United States tweeted. “I like Mike!” he added, apparently referring to Michael Jordan.

Jordan snubbed the president in a response through a spokesperson, telling NBC News, “I support LJ. He’s doing an amazing job for his community.”

Meanwhile, CNN’s communications department decided to troll the president by tweeting, “Sounds like @FLOTUS had the remote last night. We hope you both saw the incredible work of @KingJames.” Taking a swipe at the first lady’s laughable (and plagiarized) anti-bullying campaign that called on Americans to promote “kindness” and “respect,” CNN added the hashtag #BeBest.

The Trump tweet was an easy target, given his incessant use of the phrase “Fake News” anytime he mentions the news network. Trump also loves to attack Lemon, whom he previously has called a “lightweight,” “dumb as a rock,” and a bully.

In late July, Trump was widely mocked after The New York Times revealed he had thrown a temper tantrum and complained to his aides after discovering Melania watching CNN aboard Air Force One. From now on, only Fox News apparently can be viewed on the presidential aircraft, according to internal emails cited by the newspaper.

Following that report, Melania’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, told CNN the first lady will watch “any channel she wants.”

But Grisham apparently didn’t find the latest tweet from CNN’s communications team humorous.

#BeBest is a sincere campaign meant to help children. Not something for @CNN to use to mock @POTUS,” she tweeted.

In his own tweeted response, Lemon also tagged the “Be Best” campaign and highlighted the president’s human rights abuses committed against children. “Who’s the real dummy? A man who puts kids in classrooms or one who puts kids in cages? #BeBest” Lemon wrote.

Journalist Dan Rather also weighed in, saying, “I’d much rather live in a world reflecting the values, philanthropy, and yes intelligence of LeBron James and Don Lemon’s intelligent commitment to truth and journalism than the divisive peevishness, lies, and narrow self-interest displayed by the President of the United States.”

According to The Hill, Lemon’s interview with James, who last week opened a new elementary school for at-risk kids in his hometown of Akron, OH, first aired on Monday. But CNN rebroadcast the segment on Friday, just before Trump’s tweet. No word yet from the White House who actually had control of the remote control.

Update, Saturday, 3:10 p.m.: Melania Trump spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham issued another statement on the matter, which seems to directly contradict the opinion of Melania’s husband, Donald.

“It looks like LeBron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation and just as she always has, the First Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today,” Grisham said, according to Associated Press White House reporter Jonathan Lemire.

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