Corey Lewandowski Is a Hall of Fame Piece of Shit

I’m sorry that Corey Lewandowski is a guy that I have to remind you about today, because the former campaign manager for Donald Trump took far right callousness to the lowest of the low in an exchange on (where else) Fox News on Tuesday night.

On Tuesday, the Wall Street Journal reported on the Mexican government’s fury over the Trump administration’s policy of splitting children up from their parents. Mexico’s foreign minister, Luis Videgaray, relayed one infuriating story:

Mr. Videgaray said the Mexican government identified 21 Mexican children separated from their migrant parents in recent weeks. Most have been repatriated or have been reunited with relatives living in the U.S., but seven remain separated.
Among them, “there’s one particular heartbreaking case,” Mr. Videgaray said, referring to a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome who was recently separated from her mother and 10-year old brother as they attempted to enter the U.S. The girl was sent to a facility in McAllen, Texas, while her mother was sent to Brownsville.

Former Hillary Clinton staffer Zac Pentkanas brought this specific case up on Fox in an appearance opposite Lewandowski. And, well, just watch:

“I read today about a ten year old girl with Down syndrome who was taken from her mother and put in a cage,” Petkanas said, to which Lewandowski responded: “Womp womp.”

Then, as Petkanas repeatedly asked Lewandowski “How dare you,” the former Trump campaign manager yelled about how it’s really the parents’ fault that the Trump administration is kidnapping them and putting them in cages.

What a horrible fucking scumbag.

Since leaving the Trump campaign, Lewandowski has embarked upon a journey to get extremely rich off of his fifteen minutes of fame. Last month, Politico reported that he was advising T-Mobile on a proposed merger with Sprint through the consulting firm Turnberry Solutions, which he had denied working for in the past despite the fact that his fingerprints were all over it.

Lewandowski, who briefly worked for CNN before leaving immediately after the 2016 election, was hired by Mike Pence’s Great America Committee PAC in May. As Reveal reporter Aaron Sankin noted, Lewandowski’s new job got a $5k donation in April from The Geo Group, the for-profit prison giant which owns and operates private immigration jails.

Last year, the Harvard Institute of Politics named Lewandowski an IOP fellow for the Fall 2017 semester. We’ve reached out to the IOP for comment, and will update with any response we receive.

CNN reported last month that Lewandowski was advising Trump on the Mueller probe. With the way he’s performing on Fox News, he should be getting a new role in the administration in no time.

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