Dallas County GOP Candidate Rewards His Kids for Marrying White, Heterosexual Christians

He’s not a racist. It’s just that Dallas County Republican Vickers “Vic” Cunningham wants to reward his kids for marrying someone who is white, heterosexual, and Christian just like him, according to a living trust he set up.

Cunningham also apparently loves to throw around the n-word a lot, according to people who know him. And he’s sent a lot of black people to jail. But he’s not a racist. Probably not a homophobe, either.

Cunningham, a former criminal district judge, is running for Dallas County commissioner in a GOP runoff Tuesday against businessman J.J. Koch, who is campaigning on the “threat” posed to the county by undocumented immigrants. It’s quite a race.

On Friday, The Dallas Morning News announced it was withdrawing its recommendation of Cunningham in the runoff after the 55-year-old former judge admitted that in 2010, he created the racist, homophobic trust for his kids. Cunningham claims that he’s since had a change of heart because his son is dating a woman of Vietnamese descent. But he’s locked in to maintaining the trust as is, he says.

In an interview with reporter Naomi Martin, Cunningham practically twisted himself into knots trying to explain. “It’s not a requirement, no” he said. “There are milestones set out in the trust.”

Oh. So it’s not a requirement, but rather a “milestone.”

“I’m supporting what my beliefs are,” he added.

Cunningham was called out by his own estranged brother, Bill Cunningham. Bill and his husband, who is black, said they came forward to stop their family member from being elected in a county with a large population of people of color. They decided to speak out after Vic Cunningham threatened them, they said. The former judge denies the accusations.

“His views and his actions are disqualifying for anyone to hold public office in 2018,” Bill Cunningham told the newspaper. “It frightens me to death to think of people in power who could hurt people.”

A friend of Bill Cunningham who worked on Vic Cunningham’s 2006 campaign for district attorney, Amanda Tackett, told The Dallas Morning News that the ex-judge did use the n-word—a lot. He referred to criminal cases involving African Americans with the acronym “T.N.D.s”—“Typical [N-word] Deals,” she said.

The rest of the Cunningham family seems to have since rallied around their white, heterosexual, Christian kin, even after some of them admitted in the past to his bigotry. Bill Cunningham, they argue, is just mad because he didn’t get a $45,000 loan from Vic.

“Dallas County Commissioners Court Precinct 2 deserves better than the candidates in this runoff,” the newspaper concluded.

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