DNC email uses cringeworthy language about Latino voters

The Democratic National Committee courted Latino voters by saying they are the “most brand loyal consumers,” according to emails leaked by WikiLeaks.

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced on Sunday that she will step down at the end of the convention. She already had been benched from speaking due to the controversial leaked emails.

Latinos have long been courted by Democrats and Republicans alike. According to a CNN/CUNY poll earlier this year, Latino voters in nine states could determine the state’s winner. And according to a new survey by the Latino Victory Fund, in partnership with Latino Decisions and Fusion, 88% of Latino voters have an unfavorable view of Trump.

On Saturday, when Hillary Clinton made her first campaign appearance with her running mate Tim Kaine, and Kaine, a fluent Spanish speaker, started speaking Spanish shortly after taking the stage. He also spoke passionately about immigration.

“Raise your hand if you have become a naturalized citizen,” Kaine said. “Thanks for choosing us! If you haven’t been to one of those services, it’s going to be one of the most powerful things you’ll ever see … Anybody who loves America this much deserves to be here.”

Regardless, the language of the DNC emails could be considered condescending and cringeworthy. Calling it a “known fact” that Latino voters have “the most brand loyalty in the World,” the email also says that “Once a brand loses this loyalty, Hispanics will never re-engage: Unforgiving.”

The rest of the email lists the fairly standard demographics about Latino voters, and the hopes of the DNC to not “lose the opportunity to acquire the Hispanic consumer.” The email also details a web, mobile messaging, mobile video and in-person strategy for Latino voters.

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