Former President Accuses His Own White House of Rigging the Election Against Him

Former President Accuses His Own White House of Rigging the Election Against Him

Imagine if we lived in a serious world. This is a serious headline! It’s a serious charge! This should not be a blog filled with levity and insults–it shouldn’t be a blog at all! The (formerly) most powerful man in the world accused his own people of staging a coup against him. This is front-page news!

But we don’t live in a serious world, we live in one where Donald Trump gets to set the agenda, and his cult of personality treats his bullshit claims with the utmost respect while objective reality heaps the scorn on him he has earned. That a headline like this is so easily dismissible as “what did the crazy old guy do now” is another marker in how far the status quo has shifted towards unreality.

Recently, Mark Zuckerberg said that Meta briefly demoted content related to Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020, after the FBI warned his company about a “potential Russian disinformation” operation around a real story that has some substance to it. This raises a lot of extremely complicated questions about the power of tech, the role of journalism in reporting real news being pushed by foreign intelligence agencies, the power of our own intelligence agencies in our democracy, and many other delicate subjects that require a level of nuance that this fucking bozo is constitutionally incapable of accessing with his tiny little pea brain.

I know that it seems like every second has been shorter than the previous one ever since Trump became president, but that’s no excuse for failing to understand the concept of linear time. If the “White House” really did “SUPPRESS THE HUNTER BIDEN LAPTOP STORY (& much more!)” in 2020 then that means that Donald Trump’s White House suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop Story (& much more!), not Joe Biden’s.

Conceptually, a plant could understand how stupid of an assertion this is. They are products of the progression of linear time, as they accumulate sunlight and water and become stronger with each hour that passes. I don’t know if they have a memory to the degree like non-Trump mammals with brains do, but at least they can measure the distance of time they have traveled through the mass of their own bodies. Trump’s head has been shoved so far up his own ass for so long that now he can only conceive of time through his own bowel movements that then become the base of all his logic.

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