Former Trump Campaign Manager Reacts to Mueller Charges by Attacking ‘Clinton Administration’

It seems that another reminder is in order for Fox News, its head–in–the–sand viewers, and former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski that Hillary Clinton is not the president.

In the biggest news to break so far from the ongoing investigation of current and former members of the Trump administration by special counsel Robert Mueller, CNN reported Friday that a federal grand jury has approved the first charges in the probe. No one yet knows what those charges are or whom they target, because a federal judge has sealed them.

However one looks at this, it can’t be good news for the Trump administration.

So what’s Lewandowski’s take? We should be investigating the “Clinton administration.”

“The dam is breaking. We’re never going to hold the water back,” Lewandowski smugly told Fox & Friends on Saturday morning. “Gimme a break. Look, the speculation is so insane right now, what we should be focusing on are the continued lies of the Clinton administration, the continued fallacies that they perpetuate.”

As ThinkProgress’ Aaron Rupar pointed out, Lewandowski used the “Clinton administration” phrase again later in the segment to promulgate the right–wing conspiracy theory du jour that as secretary of state, Clinton approved a deal to transfer 20% of U.S. uranium deposits to a Russian company in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

This claim was pushed on several occasions in 2016 by the Trump campaign, including in a TV ad stating that Clinton “gave American uranium rights to the Russians.” It also was the subject of several anti–Clinton memes gobbled up by the masses who watch Fox News and follow right–wing blogs.

For those who continue to blindly support Trump, this type of distraction appears to be working, with many Trumpians now calling for Mueller himself to be investigated for trying to cover up “Uranium One.”

Of course, there was plenty of prodding by Sean Hannity and others along the way:

Rupar summed up the current mess as follows:

This strategy — distract from Trump’s scandals by desperately trying to create new ones surrounding the Clintons — isn’t new. But the effort has intensified in recent days. For instance, during an interview on Thursday’s edition of Hannity, former White House deputy assistant to the president Sebastian Gorka went as far as to suggest that Hillary Clinton deserves to be tried for treason and executed for her role in the Uranium One deal, despite there being no evidence she actually did anything wrong.

These people are sick.

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