GOP Congressman Calls Critic a ‘Porn Loving Whiny Bitch’

Perhaps voters should have listened to GOP Rep. Paul Gosar’s six siblings when they came together to declare their brother a total d-bag (he is) during his run to represent Arizona’s Fourth District for a fourth term. Instead, Gosar was easily re-elected to Congress, and now evidently spends his time talking extremely juvenile shit about people who are oh so very mean to him online.

After former Democratic state Senate candidate Steve Weichert criticized Gosar’s obnoxious plan to name famed labor leader Cesar Chavez’ birthday “National Border Control Day,” Gosar tweeted—then quickly deleted—that Weichert was a “whiny porn loving bitch,” which is a very dignified thing for a sitting member of Congress to do.

As The Hill points out, Gosar seemed to be referencing a 2017 incident in which Weichert claimed his Twitter account had been hacked to send out a stream of pornographic images, which he later compared to “that scene from I Love Lucy with the conveyer belt and the chocolate.”

Gosar later continued his attack on Weichert, calling him “ignorant of history and a liar,” and, again, “a little bitch.”

We have reached out to Rep. Gosar’s office for comment on his tweets, and to see whether he considers it appropriate for a sitting member of Congress to publicly call a private citizen a “little bitch.” We will update this story if his office replies.

In the meantime, though, I think we can all agree that it’d be best for everyone if Rep. Gosar just logged off.

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