GOP Congressman on Shutdown: "Absolutely Nothing to Show For It"

quicklist: curated
quote: “What did Republicans get for 16 days of a government shutdown with people being hurt? We have absolutely nothing to show for it, other than a damaged brand.”
their: The Greenville News
their_title: Gowdy: Standoff hurt Republicans
their_copy: Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy said his party’s plan to threaten a government shutdown over the 2010 health-care law was doomed from the beginning, and he wishes he’d done more to keep his colleagues from pursuing it.
theirCTA: Read the full story here.
our_copy: Gowdy was one member of the majority of Republicans who voted for the shutdown strategy. But now he’s come to regret it.

Although some in the GOP are doing some soul searching following the shutdown, they don’t appear close to reconsidering immigration reform.

“I think there is less trust now than in the three years I’ve been here,” Gowdy told the News. “So when I hear the president say immigration reform is coming next? No, it’s not.”

Jordan Fabian is Fusion’s politics editor, writing about campaigns, Congress, immigration, and more. When he’s not working, you can find him at the ice rink or at home with his wife, Melissa.

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