“I Have Concepts of a Plan” Is the Most George Costanza Quote of All Time

“I Have Concepts of a Plan” Is the Most George Costanza Quote of All Time

Last night, in the middle of all of Trump’s babbling incoherence that was one giant signal to the GOP to log the fuck off, he uttered something that broke my brain in a way that no Trumpism ever has before: he said a phrase that I heard in someone else’s voice. Typically, Trump’s gargantuan ego and swagger is the only force you can make out in whatever room he finds himself in, but as he stammered over his lack of a health care plan, I heard the familiar Seinfeld music hit and then he delivered this line in George Costanza’s voice.

That response is the least swagger that Trump has ever had. Ripped straight from Vandelay Industries and The Human Fund, I swear I heard Jason Alexander say that exact phrase to Jerry Seinfeld in one of their many scenes from the famed café down the street from Jerry’s apartment.

“George, you can’t just float through life and live with your parents, you need a plan!”

“I have concepts of a plan, Jerry! Real big ones! You’ll see! You’ll all see!”

I have written before about Trump’s Teflon shield slipping away and how he is acting like someone who wants to associate himself with history’s great losers like Hillary Clinton and Drake, but this may be a new low for him. George Costanza is the ultimate avatar of loserdom. A character who can only be the result of Larry David’s unique neurotic genius. A man invented specifically for the entire world to dunk on…and Trump is out here inventing new George Costanza lines a quarter century after the show went off the air. This election will be close no matter what and the sclerotic American political system may help Trump out once more, but it cannot hide the fact that this man who successfully branded himself a winner is devolving into a classic loser archetype right in front of our eyes.

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