It Is Entirely Appropriate For a Sitting Senator to Drop the F-Bomb Right Now

No amount of stress balls has been sufficient to get us through the past couple days since the GOP-controlled House passed the abominable American Health Care Act, more aptly described as Deathcare. We are probably all guilty of cursing to no end, yelling at the TV, and fighting the urge to throw the laptop against the wall.

Luckily, we have an ally in Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris, the former California attorney general and only the second black woman to serve in the Senate, who shares our frustrations. And she’s not afraid to speak out, “giving voice to the voiceless,” as she describes her mission. Sometimes that mission requires dropping the F-bomb.

Appearing on Crooked Media’s Pod Save America podcast Saturday night, the senator was incredulous over Idaho Republican lawmaker Raul Labrador’s comments to a town hall Friday that “nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care,” as well as Republicans who are treating health care “as a privilege, not a right.”

“This is a matter of values,” Harris said. “You might as well say, ‘Well, people don’t starve because they don’t have food.’ What the fuck is that?!

Before all you conservatives start freaking out over this, you should know that this type of no-nonsense discussion is exactly why Crooked Media started Pod Save America, a sequel to its pre-election podcast Keepin’ It 1600. The goal is to have “a no-bullshit conversation about politics where you can laugh, cry, scream, ridicule us daily, share your ideas, and hopefully decide that you want to help fix this mess too.”

And, I would add, drop the F–bomb when it’s warranted.

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