It’s Obvious Why Trump’s Attacks on Kamala Aren’t Sticking

It’s Obvious Why Trump’s Attacks on Kamala Aren’t Sticking

First off, it’s because they’re a bunch of weird sexist racist bozos who can’t help themselves. The right-wing lives in a bubble outside of objective reality, and now that they must come in contact with it in their bid for the presidency, their insular freakish world is being laid bare for everyone to see. After their enthusiasm for racism ruining their attacks on the vice president, the biggest problem that Trump has is that his two main strategies to define Kamala Harris are in conflict with one another, and us lefties who remember the 2020 primary could have told him this from the start.

Harris has a fairly liberal voting record in Congress, especially compared to her more moderate pre-Senate positions, and her malleability on supporting and backtracking on lefty issues leaves her open to attack as a flip-flopper. It is very easy to point to her endorsements of policies like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal and then her subsequent backtracking that continues to this day and say that she is a classic politician who cannot be trusted. This is the main avenue Trump is trying to take to define his new opponent.

This true line of attack could be effective if they also weren’t trying to use her voting record to portray her as some raging socialist. It’s very hard to assert, “she doesn’t mean what she says, look at her flip-flipping on single payer healthcare!” and then turn around and say, “but look at all this commie shit she voted for!”

If she’s such a commie, why is she running away from signature commie policies?

So ultimately their message devolves into an incoherent mess, which is why they are now trying the one idea they have: birther nonsense. They cannot tell a persuasive story of “Kamala the commie flip-flopper” through her past politics, so they are trying to make the chameleon persona stick through gross racist charges that imply anyone who is biracial is not welcome in the Republican Party.

In a different world where the Republican Party had more than two core strategies of calling their opponents communists and also being super racist, Kamala Harris would be extremely vulnerable to this flip-flopping charge. She is a flip-flopper! Based on her record that is all over the place, no one really knows for certain what policies she would back if she were president, and her past is ripe to be exploited, but you have to accept the reality that a lot of this flip-flopping over the years came in her attempts to move left.

The notion that any Democrat can be to the right of Che Guevara is heresy in the unhinged Republican Party, so due entirely to their own brain worms, they are incapable of making an accurate and convincing charge against Kamala stick, and instead are committing an own goal by coating it in pure unadulterated racism.

Even if they were to pivot and accept the reality of how Harris has flip-flopped in their direction many times, it is too late, as they have signaled to their army of weirdos that Kamala’s multiracial background is fair game to attack. In so many ways, she is the perfect candidate to bring out their psychosis, as she does have glaring weaknesses that can be exploited which everyone can see, but not by a party more enthusiastic about racism and sexism than anything else.

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