Larry the Cat Is Antifa

A lot of digital ink has been spilled speculating over whether or not the Queen has been throwing epic shade at Donald Trump by giving him presents or whatever. If you’re looking for an actual ally who’s adjacent to power in England, however, you should look no further than Larry—the official cat of 10 Downing Street and “Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.”

On Tuesday, Larry—who is roughly 12 years old, but still young enough to scrap—reportedly took a break from chasing mice and tried to stop a big rat instead, by forming a one-cat blockade of Donald Trump’s limo, which is apparently called “The Beast.”

It’s unclear how long Larry actually stopped the limo from moving, but the fact remains: thousands of Brits are protesting Trump’s visit right now, and it appears that despite his Tory upbringing, Larry is one of them. Larry is a class traitor, a comrade, the absolute boy, and—most importantly—my best mate.

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