Makers of Candy Crush Hoping to Cash In With IPO

What are we reading today? Take a look for yourself. Here’s a link dump to go with that cup o’ joe:

King Digital, the company behind the annoyingly addictive Candy Crush game is filing for an initial public offering and is hoping to raise as much as $500 million.

The aforementioned move resulted in Zynga’s (remember Farmville?) stock trading at a year-long high. That company is valued at $4.2 billion.

Forget natural gas or solar wind. Volcanic magma is the power source of the future. Okay, not really, but some Icelandic scientists have figured out how to harness geothermal energy from molten rock.

Because you can’t get enough of these two songs, here’s a mashup of “Get Lucky” and “Happy”

Over 238,000 Hot Pockets being recalled because they might contain “diseased and unsound” beef. So they’re being recalled for being Hot Pockets?

It’s 2014 and Ole Miss students are still racist. Someone placed a noose on the statue of James Meredith, the first black student to enroll in the college in 1962. The FBI is assisting with the investigation.

The most popular game right now? Nope, not king of all esports League of Legends. It’s Pokemon.


American households watch about 8.5 hours of TV per day. Hungary takes second place with a little under five.

Mexican Senators introduce legislation to legalize medical marijuana.

What the Florida? 101-year-old man intends to run for Congress. Eh, doesn’t seem so far fetched. He is white and old. He’d fit right in.

Founded over 90 years ago, Time has pretty much given up on journalism and is now reporting on how to use a cat to predict the weather.

Fidel Martinez is an editor at He’s also a Texas native and a lifelong El Tri fan.

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