McCain Has Worries About Anti-Discrimination Bill

A bill to prevent workplace discrimination on basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is close to gaining enough votes to overcome a filibuster and come to a vote in the Senate.

While LGBT rights groups are happy about the progress of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) is worried about the effects the potential law would have on religious organizations that have to comply.

He compared the bill to the Civil Rights Act of 1964:

“When we passed the Civil Rights Act, which was the right thing to do, there were a lot of unintended consequences that we had to fix over time, such as quotas, busing, and other aspects of the law. I’m going to have to see, be sure, that religious oriented organizations are not forced.”

According to Politico, a recent poll found that a large majority of voters already think there is some version of ENDA, and the support for law is actually higher than for same-sex marriage.

Earlier this week Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he plans to bring the legislation to the floor before Thanksgiving, but Sen. McCain said at this time he is leaning toward opposing the bill.

When asked how he would explain this to his daughter and wife, who are long time supporters of gay rights he answered:

“I welcome spirited debate in my family.”

Veronica Bautista is a segment producer for AMERICA with Jorge Ramos.

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