Most Quoted Man in News Gets His Own Mini-Doc

Greg Packer has a serious obsession with the news. Ever since he was quoted by a Tampa Bay newspaper in 1995, the thrill of seeing his name in print has prompted Packer to attend all sorts of public events, in the hopes of finding journalists who will get his “man on the street” opinion of what’s going on.

Packer has attended parades for sports teams that he’s not a fan of, and lined up outside celebrity funerals in the hopes of being quoted. And exploits like camping outside an Apple Store for a week to be the first in line for a new iPhone, have helped Packer get his name in print more than 100 times.

The retired highway maintenance worker is making himself famous once more, thanks to a mini-doc about his “hobby” that has become an online sensation. The video has been viewed more than 200,000 views on Vimeo over the past two days, and was designated as a “Staff Pick” by the website.

Check out this masterfully shot, and comical video about Packer, produced by Philadelphia filmmaker, Andrew Watson.

Manuel Rueda is a correspondent for Fusion, covering Mexico and South America. He travels from donkey festivals, to salsa clubs to steamy places with cartel activity.

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