Nazi Crybaby Films His Own Meltdown After Threatening to Kill Charlottesville Counter-Protesters

After being filmed threatening to murder counter-protesters and violently railing against Jews in a Vice News report on the deadly white supremacist march in Charlottesville, neo-Nazi Chris Cantwell posted a weepy video saying he fears for his life.

Cantwell said in the video that he’s heard the Charlottesville police have put out a warrant for his arrest but he couldn’t confirm it with law enforcement, saying, “With everything that’s happening, I don’t think it’s wise for me to go anywhere.”

“I’m armed, I do not want violence with you, alright?” Cantell said, breaking down in sobs. “I’m terrified, I’m afraid you’re going to kill me, I really am, all right?

In the Vice News special, where Cantwell is prominently featured, he told reporter Elle Reeve that he was waiting for a political savior like Donald Trump, but “a lot more racist” and someone “who does not give his daughter to a Jew,” a reference to Ivanka Trump’s marriage to Jared Kushner.

Asked how he got into the racist politics of the far-right, Cantwell responded that he was radicalized by the police murders of black boys like Michael Brown and Tamir Rice.

“Every single case, it’s some little black asshole behaving like a savage and he gets himself in trouble, shocking enough,” he said.

He was also filmed unloading four firearms strapped to his body for the day’s events, bragging about going to the gym to make himself “more ready for violence,” saying in no uncertain terms that he favors turning the U.S. into a white ethno-state, and warning, “We’re not non-violent, we’ll fucking kill these people if we have to.”

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