New UN Satellite Data Reveals Israel Has Heavily Bombed Nearly *Every* Part of Gaza

New UN Satellite Data Reveals Israel Has Heavily Bombed Nearly *Every* Part of Gaza

A recent analysis by the United Nations Satellite Centre in Geneva, Switzerland sheds light on the latest scale of Israeli depravity in their genocide of Gaza. Anyone with even a cursory understanding of how bombs work should be able to see this map and fully understand the farcical notion that this is solely a war against Hamas.

This is a war primarily against the people of Gaza. The evidence is obvious, and this additional data only buttresses that fact. This graphic is based on satellite imagery in July compared to images collected from May 2023 to May 2024; the red areas are what the UN deems “destroyed.”

A map of Gaza with bombed areas marked by red dots, the vast majority of the map is red and the majority of the red is dark red, indicating the more heavily bombed areas

Image via United Nations Satellite Centre in Geneva, Switzerland

The redder they are, the more “dense” the destruction by many of these American bombs like the one that hit Al-Tabi’in School over the weekend, killing at least 93 Palestinians. The Israeli military provided a list of accused Hamas combatants at the school (keep in mind that we know they have “kill zones” where they shoot on site and deem everyone they kill to be a Hamas combatant), and it included a 12-year-old boy, as noted by Ramy Abdu, the Chairman of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

We know that this was an American bomb dropped on Al-Tabi’in School both because CNN reported it and so are children sifting through the rubble and finding the Biden-Harris administration’s fingerprint in Gaza.

The scale of the destruction–aided by all these weapons the Biden administration is sending them, $3.5 billion worth just two days before this U.S. bomb dropped on Al-Tabi’in School–is staggering, as the UN notes:

According to satellite imagery analysis, UNOSAT identified 46,223 destroyed structures, 18,478 severely damaged structures, 55,954 moderately damaged structures, and 35,754 possibly damaged structures for a total of 156,409 structures. These correspond to around 63% of the total structures in the Gaza Strip and a total of 215,137 estimated damaged housing units.

They caution this is a “preliminary analysis and has not yet been validated in the field,” which is true for all information coming out of Gaza. The Israeli military has blockaded the region while killing more journalists than were killed during the entirety of either World War II or Vietnam. It is clear this regime wants no information coming out of Gaza, and using satellite imagery is one of the few ways we can comprehend the true scale of the IDF’s savagery.

And it’s massive. There is no world in which bombing nearly two-thirds of all structures in Gaza is a proportional response to Hamas’ terrorist attack on October 7th. Everyone knows that Hamas embeds themselves in the population (but also, given that Gaza is an open-air prison the size of Las Vegas but more densely populated than New York City…where else would they even go?) but that is not an excuse for knowingly massacring innocent civilians every time their depraved A.I. “Where’s Daddy?” thinks it’s found a supposed Hamas combatant.

The only reason you would drop this immense amount of ordinance is if you were trying to “Eras[e] the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth” or make Gaza a “slaughterhouse.” The idea that the IDF is both the most moral and one of the most adept militaries in the world cannot both be true even in the most steadfast Zionist notion that ignores the genocidal rhetoric of the Israeli Likud party.

If you still somehow believe that Israel’s primary goal is to eradicate Hamas, then this satellite data indicates that the supposedly hyper-competent IDF not only does not know how to fight Hamas without causing massive collateral damage, but that the amount of bombs dropped suggest the IDF does not trust its own soldiers to battle Hamas on the ground and in their tunnels. Not to mention, all available reporting proves that the IDF cannot even hold all the ground they already bombed, as Hamas has popped back up in those red areas above covered in exploded (and unexploded) American ordinance.

What exactly is the plan to “eradicate Hamas” here that doesn’t include “erasing Gaza”?

The IDF is either really bad at what they do, or they are lying about their true intent, and they are very good at what all the politicians in Benjamin Netanyahu’s party say they want to do.

Israel is a pariah state in every sense of the term and Joe Biden unambiguously backing them to degrees even former presidents like Ronald Reagan did not is simply accelerating the international axis tilting towards the China-Russia-Iran sphere of influence. Iran is by all accounts going to attack Israel this week in retaliation for killing Hamas’ lead negotiator in Tehran, and how they do so will change the course of history.

If it is an actual strike on Israeli territory that kills Israelis, then Benjamin Netanyahu will get his wish and drag the United States into the barbaric regional war he has seemingly deemed the salvation of his regime. Gazans have been forced to accept the brutal consequences of Joe Biden’s feckless, heartless and spineless foreign policy, and Kamala Harris so far has only shifted the rhetoric without substantively pivoting from Biden’s calamitous and genocide-enabling standard. If we are on the precipice of war in the Middle East, then Biden enabling this genocidal Israeli regime will forcefully hit America at home in the form of higher oil/everything prices and potentially even violence should this situation really spiral out of control.

All in order to keep shipping bombs that enrich weapons contractors while backing a genocide in Gaza. History will not remember the authors and backers of this moment very kindly.

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