New York Times Editorial Board: Person Published by Times a Week Ago Is 'Disreputable' and Untrustworthy

Remember last week, when the New York Times ran an op-ed from the gun ‘researcher’ John Lott, who has been thoroughly and consistently debunked by basically everyone else who researches gun violence?

Apparently, the Times —yes, the people wot run the bad op-ed in the first place—does not remember! The paper issued an editorial today on criminal justice reform, which included this paragraph dunking on Lott:

Perhaps the most insidious part of the Trump administration’s approach to criminal justice lies in its efforts to link crime to its broader crackdown on immigration. In a speech last month, Mr. Sessions said undocumented immigrants are far more likely than American citizens to commit crimes, a claim he found in a paper by John Lott, the disreputable economist best known for misusing statistics to suit his own ideological ends. In this case, it appears Mr. Lott misread his own data, which came from Arizona and in fact showed the opposite of what he claimed: Undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than citizens, as the vast majority of research on the topic has found.

I would like to note that I also linked to that same Cato Institute debunking of Lott’s racist fake research, which tells me the Times editorial board is reading my posts. Hi!!! You should all resign!!!

It is too perfect to see the Times editorial board—not its reporters, but the very people who have spent the last week defending James Bennet’s decision to start running predictable bullshit from boring conservatives in the name of balance—calling out as a fraud someone they deemed expert enough to write an opinion piece for them just one week ago.

Is this a cry for help? My email address is [email protected] if you want to talk.

[via Dan Gillmor]

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