Oh God This Sarah Huckabee Sanders for Governor Thing Might Actually Happen

When President Donald Trump announced that world-class bullshit artist Sarah Huckabee Sanders was leaving his administration, he said he hoped Sanders would fill her father’s terrible shoes as governor of Arkansas someday.

It seems she’s taking the suggestion to heart.

According to Politico this morning, Sanders and her hometown pals have begun calling major GOP donors and other statewide operatives in what looks like taking the temperature on a possible gubernatorial run—something she’s reportedly mused about privately for months.

“She’s extremely serious,” one of the people she’s spoken with told the site.

If Sanders does decide to run, her qualifications would primarily be her notoriety as one of the Trump administration’s most prolific liars, and the fact that she spent years living in the Arkansas governor’s mansion during her father’s time in office.

“We are very pleased to have her coming back to Arkansas,” Arkansas Republican Party Chairman Doyle Webb told Politico. “Arkansans believe she has done a superb job as press secretary for the president, and I wouldn’t want to speculate about what her political future is.

“I’m fairly certain that [Trump’s] support and any support she’s built on her own would be a considerable [asset],” Webb added.

That Trump would back his longtime aide for office in a state where he remains deeply popular seems a foregone conclusion. The president included Sanders in his official 2020 campaign launch event in Florida on Tuesday evening, telling an adoring crowd that he has “a feeling she’s going to be running for a certain gubernatorial position.”

Arkansas’ next gubernatorial election isn’t until 2022, so if Sanders does decide to run, she’ll have plenty of time to lay the groundwork.

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