Paramount Pictures cancels screenings of 'Team America: World Police'

It looks like Paramount Pictures is following Sony Pictures’ lead. At least three theaters that were planning to screen “Team America: World Police” after the Sony-led cancellation of “The Interview” have now cancelled their screenings on studio orders, according to theater representatives.

On Wednesday, the Alamo Drafthouse, a Texas-based theater chain, made headlines after announcing that they were going to show the 2004 comedy in lieu of “The Interview,” which Sony Pictures pulled after the five largest theater chains in the country refused to screen the comedy due to potential terrorist threats. Several other theaters followed suit.

Those plans were short lived. The Alamo Drafthouse, along with Cleveland’s Capitol Theatre and Atlanta’s Plaza Theatre, tweeted out that all screenings for “Team America: World Police” had been cancelled by Paramount Pictures over fears of potential attacks.

David Huffman, the director of marketing for the Capitol Theatre, told Fusion that his venue had booked “Team America: World Police” in October—well before the Sony Pictures hack— and was planning on showing it in June 2015 as part of a midnight series. Huffman says that they received an email about the cancellation and were told to find an alternate title.

“I can only tell you what the studio has told us and that is that the film has been pulled from release,” Huffman said. “You’d have to contact Paramount to get their specific reasoning.”

Paramount did not return multiple requests for comment.

Fidel Martinez is an editor at He’s also a Texas native and a lifelong El Tri fan.

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