Read the email Bernie Sanders sent pleading with his supporters not to disrupt the DNC

The first day of the Democratic National Convention kicked off with a massive gathering of Bernie Sanders supporters taking to the streets in Philadelphia in protest of Hillary Clinton’s nomination as the party’s pick for the White House.

This isn’t the first time that the Bernie or Bust movement has voiced its displeasure with Clinton, but today’s protests came after Sanders had already officially endorsed Clinton and urged his supporters to do the Democratic thing and support her. While there’s nothing that Sanders can do to prevent his fans from demonstrating, the senator sent out an email today urging the delegates gathered in Philly to pull it together and refrain from booing Clinton during tonight’s speeches.

“During this convention you represent not just the 13.3 million who voted for our campaign. You also represent the future of our movement,” Sanders wrote. “I am asking all of us to bear that in mind while we are on the floor of the convention. Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays.”

Only time will tell if the Sanders supporters will get in formation behind him.

Read the full text of the letter:

“Dear Bernie 2016 Delegate,
Thank you so much for your efforts on the campaign and your hard work to advance the political revolution. We have accomplished much. Much more needs to be done.
The political revolution is not about one election or one candidate. It is about transforming America and continuing the fight for economic, social, racial and environmental justice. We have to continue to work together to advance the progressive future we all support.
During this convention you represent not just the 13.3 million who voted for our campaign. You also represent the future of our movement.
I am asking all of us to bear that in mind while we are on the floor of the convention. Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays. That’s what the corporate media wants. That’s what Donald Trump wants. But that’s not what will expand the progressive movement in this country.
I know everyone is frustrated, especially by the recent DNC email disclosures. But, as a result of this disclosure Debbie Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign. This is a very positive sign.
We have made great progress in the last year. Let’s continue going forward.
I would ask you as a personal courtesy to me to not engage in any kind of protest or demonstration on the convention floor.
In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders”

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