Rudy Giuliani calls Black Lives Matter 'inherently racist'; proves immediate death by irony isn't real


If you thought the Republican party had turned a corner on race relations when Newt Gingrich said on Friday that “white Americans can’t understand the extra risk that comes with being black in America,” Rudy Giuliani is here to remind you not so fast.

The former mayor of New York who ran for president in 2008 and had such a pulse on Americans that he won zero primaries said on Sunday’s CBS News’ Face the Nation that Black Lives Matter is “anti-American.”

“Black lives matter, white lives matter, Asian lives matter, Hispanic lives matter,” he said. “That’s anti-American and it’s racist. Of course black lives matter, and they matter greatly.”

This and this are good things to start to educate yourself on to read on that topic, Rudy.

But he didn’t stop there. The man who was in the U.S. Attorney’s Office during the Central Park Five (or “Wolf Pack” as the racist nickname the five men who were wrongly convicted were known at the time) said that black people “need to teach their children to be respectful of police.”

“You’ve got to teach your children that the real danger to them is not the police, the real danger to them, 99 out of 100 times … are other black kids who are going to kill them, that’s the way they’re going to die,” he said.

Giuliani has been accused of running racist campaigns, so if you ever wondered if immediate death by irony was real, now you have your answer.

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