Sarah Huckabee Sanders Tears Up While Giving a Small Boy a Bullshit Answer on Guns

During Wednesday’s White House press briefing, Sarah Huckabee Sanders chose to give a hollow, useless answer to a boy worried about school violence—right to his adorable face. She even got a little weepy.

The boy was 13-year-old Benje Choucroun. According to USA Today, he’s a kid reporter who goes to school in California and was “on assignment” for Time for Kids magazine.

“At my school we recently had a lockdown drill. One thing that affects my and other students mental health is the worry about the fact that we or our friends could get shot at school,” Choucroun said to Sanders. “Specifically, can you tell me what the administration has done and will do to prevent these senseless tragedies?”

Okay, this one should be a softball, right over the plate. All Sanders had to do was bring up banning bump stocks, or talk about the president wanting to take guns away from the mentally ill. Literally the absolute bare minimum of anything even resembling gun control.

Instead, with actual tears in her eyes, Sanders offered this this mealy-mouthed masterclass in nonsense:

I think that as a kid, and certainly as a parent, there is nothing that could be more terrifying for a kid to go to school and not feel safe. So I’m sorry that you feel that way. This administration takes it seriously, and the school safety commission that the president convened is meeting this week—again, an official meeting—to discuss the best ways forward and how we can do every single thing within our power to protect kids in our schools. And to make them feel safe and to make their parents feel good about dropping them off.


Around the same time, the White House announced that President Trump himself would be meeting on Thursday with survivors of the recent shooting at Santa Fe High School. I’m sure they can’t wait to hear all about how seriously the administration takes its official safety commission meetings. Really inspiring stuff.

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