Sheriff Joe Arpaio May Have Been Pardoned, But He Still Wants Your Money

By definition, the racist former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who received a presidential pardon from Donald Trump on Friday night, no longer needs to legally defend himself from a contempt of court conviction last month over his refusal to stop racially profiling people.

And in accepting Trump’s pardon—issued even before a sentence was handed down—Arpaio had to admit he was guilty as charged.

It sucks, but case closed.

Yet this is not stopping the former sheriff, who is now 85, from continuing to capitalize on his moment in the spotlight by asking people to donate to his legal defense fund. Call it turning dipshits to dollars.

Arpaio—or whoever is representing him—began spamming people as soon as the presidential pardon was announced in a tweet and a two–paragraph statement from the White House Friday night, in the middle of a looming Category 4 hurricane.

Citing a “political witch hunt” from “hold overs” (sic) “from the Obama justice department,” the ex–sheriff told supporters that he is “just a retired local law enforcement officer” who fell victim to a smear campaign by the “liberal media.”

You can give Sheriff Joe your money in donations of $150, $75, or $50!

Also, according to his website, individual donors can make “an annual tax-free gift of up to $13,000, and a married couple can make an annual tax-free gift of up to $26,000.”

Really, Joe? So, whatever happened to pulling yourself up by the bootstraps?

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