Steve Bannon Promises Far-Right 'Revolution' as Virulent Bigot Roy Moore Wins Alabama Primary

Welcome to WHAT NOW, a morning round-up of the news/fresh horrors that await you today.

When Roy Moore, the former Alabama Supreme Court justice who was removed from the court for refusing to recognize same sex marriage rights, won the Republican Senate primary in Alabama last night, it was only fitting that Breitbart head honcho Steve Bannon introduced him, promising a “revolution” on the strength of his victory.

“You’re going to see in state, after state, after state, people that follow the model of Judge Moore—that do not need to raise money from the elites, from the crony capitalists, from the fat cats in Washington, D.C.,” Bannon said Monday at Moore’s victory party.

As Politico reports, Bannon went on to say the race was about “who was sovereign—the people or the money—and Alabama answered today, the people.” He also promised a nationwide “revolution” of far-right social conservatives challenging Republican incumbents in 2018 primaries.

Bannon’s decision to throw the full weight of Breitbart’s ultra-conservative propaganda behind Moore’s candidacy was one of his first moves after re-joining the site he ran before his White House tenure. To Bannon and the Breitbart universe, Moore’s victory is an important template. Neither Trump’s endorsement of incumber Senator Luther Strange nor the millions of dollars spent by a Mitch McConnell-aligned super PAC ended up mattering, with Alabama’s voters going for a gun-toting racist who made name his going to the mat over a Ten Commandments statue in front of a state building.

Trump, for his part, has been deleting his tweets in support of “Big Luther,” because our president hates nothing more than looking like a loser out of touch with his base.


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