Ted Cruz Got 99 Problems, But the Senate Ain't One

quicklist: curated
quote: “I’m not serving in office because I desperately needed 99 new friends in the U.S. Senate.”
their: ABC News
their_title: Ted Cruz Not Looking for ’99 New Friends’ in the Senate
their_url: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/10/ted-cruz-not-looking-for-99-new-friends-in-the-senate/
their_copy: Cruz, 42, has amped up his own rhetoric against Senate Republicans, accusing them of “bombing our own troops” in a conservative radio interview Wednesday.

And he made it clear that he thinks his Republican colleagues in the Senate are responsible for sabotaging his effort to tie funding for the government to an effort to defund or delay the health care law.

“I will say that the reason this deal, the lousy deal was reached last night, is because, unfortunately, Senate Republicans made the choice not to support House Republicans,” Cruz told ABC News. “I wish Senate Republicans had united, I tried to do everything I could to urge Senate Republicans to come together and stand with House Republicans.”

theirCTA: Read the full story here.
our_copy: Cruz is clearly unapologetic for his leading role during the government shutdown fight. It should be interesting to see if he reprises that role in the next battle over government funding in January.

Jordan Fabian is Fusion’s politics editor, writing about campaigns, Congress, immigration, and more. When he’s not working, you can find him at the ice rink or at home with his wife, Melissa.

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