That Sound You Heard Was Hillary Clinton Punching a Hole in a Wall

The Department of Justice’s Office of Inspector General dropped its much-anticipated report on former FBI Director James Comey’s conduct during his investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server on Thursday. It is, for the most part, 500 pages of “meh” punctuated by a few moments of “oh, hmmm?” (In short: Comey kinda fucked up, and ended up fatally wounding the Clinton campaign. Bummer.)

But nestled deep in the report (page 424 to be exact) is this juicy nugget (emphasis mine):

We identified several instances in which Comey and [FBI investigator Peter] Strzok used personal email accounts for official government business. When questioned, [former FBI attorney Lisa] Page also told us she used personal email for work-related matters at times.

Ha ha ha what the hell? The FBI director, tasked with investigating Hillary Clinton’s improper use of personal email, was…improperly using personal email? Please kill me with a brick.

The report continues, quoting Comey at one point, after he was asked whether, hmmm, maybe he saw anything wrong with using his personal laptop and email for official FBI business. Here’s what he said (emphasis mine):

Because it was incidental and I was always making sure that the work got forwarded to the government account to either my own account or [former Chief-of-Staff James] Rybicki, so I wasn’t worried from a record-keeping perspective and it was, because there will always be a copy of it in the FBI system and I wasn’t doing classified work there, so I wasn’t concerned about that.

If only “but her emails!” hadn’t been turned into an obnoxious catch-all complaint by whiny #Resistance Twitter types. Because boy, if ever there was a time to use it, this is it.

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