The Paul Manafort Lifestyle Guide

Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has taken quite a fall since his days as a high-paid lobbyist. According to a Sunday report from the New York Times, Manafort was an enviable figure in Washington in his younger days. He’s described as “tall” and “good looking,” attracted to “opulence.” These days, the 69-year-old is sitting in a Virginia prison, on trial for bank fraud.

Through Manafort’s trial, we’ve learned quite a bit about his lifestyle, and boy, was it cool. “Manafort thought that if something was expensive, it meant it was good,” noted influencer Roger Stone told the Times.

Manafort is an icon to a new generation of grifters, inspiring all of us to live like we have all the money in the world, even when we’re millions of dollars in debt. Here’s a shopping guide (sourced from both the Times story and other reports) to channel that Manafort spirit. All you need are a few friendly oligarchs and a total lack of shame!

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