The President Is Doing Great Today!

Our commander-in-chief is having a great one already, and it’s not even 10 a.m.

He’s kicked off the day with a series of retweets from the deranged account @The_Trump_Train, including of a Boomer internet-esque meme showing everyone from former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, and Trump’s own deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, behind bars, apparently for “treason.” Cool!

Of course, he kept going:

He also retweeted a Mike Pence “fan account,” which has to be one of the sadder phrases I’ve ever committed to writing:

Setting aside the fact that undocumented immigrants aren’t eligible for most government assistance programs but still pay billions in taxes to help fund these programs, these messages read like scammy internet ads, with the “federal assistance” originating as a debunked Facebook meme.

~*~*~*~I EARNED $3874 a MONTH wORKing FROM HOME (and being “illegal”) and YOU CAN 2!!!!>>>>

Feels like only a matter of time before our big-brained boy is hawking the money-making opportunities of investing in silver.

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