The Tech Industry Wants Immigration Reform Now

Leaders in the technology sector are redoubling their efforts to sway Congress to pass immigration reform, despite the dwindling likelihood that legislation will pass this year.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg has been a leading advocate for reform. He founded the advocacy group to organize the tech communnity’s effort to lobby Congress and marshal public support.

Top names from Yahoo, Microsoft and Google have all contributed to his organization.

The industry is likely to benefit from changes in immigration law, given its desire to attract and retain high-skilled workers from abroad.

“Talent is the single most important factor in the success of a startup and a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem,” said former White House Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra. “Talent means you don’t lock off opportunities just because people have the wrong passport.”

This month, Zuckerberg and other tech execs will attend a “hackathon” with undocumented youth activists to help them develop new online advocacy tools to advance their cause.

Geneva Sands is a Washington, D.C.-based producer/editor focused on national affairs and politics. Egg creams, Raleigh and pie are three of her favorite things.

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