This Native American #NoDAPL activist was just arrested protesting Trump's EPA nominee


Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, is what some people might call an “unconventional choice”—and what other, more-correct people might call “a total disaster.”

Described as “a leading advocate against the EPA’s activist agenda,” on his own homepage, Pruitt once wrote that “scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of global warming.” Yeah, the potential head of the nation’s front line of environmental defense isn’t so sure on that whole climate change thing…. Super.

In light of his expected support for President-elect Trump’s goal to revive construction on the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline, activists on Wednesday rallied to protest Pruitt’s nomination. One woman—identified as Joanne Mae Spotted Bear by a fellow protester—was arrested outside the Senate chambers in which the nominee’s hearing was being held.

“It’s a health issue!” Spotted Bear can be heard exclaiming, as she’s escorted away by Capitol Hill police. “[The Dakota Access Pipeline] is going to run from North Dakota all the way to Texas.”

Spotted Bear appears to be no stranger to Native American activism. She is the subject of several of YouTube videos, in which she discusses Native issues, and the use of treaties with the United States government to assure Native land rights are protected.

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