Top Dems Are Completely Fucking Up the Response to E. Jean Carroll's Allegations

Last week, writer E. Jean Carroll credibly accused the president of sexually assaulting her in a New York City dressing room in the mid-’90s. She was the 17th woman to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct.

But in the days since, for reasons we can’t profess to understand, top Democrats have barely reacted to her allegations, according to the Washington Post.

“There’s so many allegations of sexual harassment and other things on this president. I wouldn’t dismiss it, but let’s be honest, he’s going to deny it and little is going to come of it,” Sen. Dick Durbin told the Post.

With that attitude it sure won’t!

It’s true that Trump has vehemently denied the allegations, saying that Carroll was “not my type” and that she’s “totally lying.”

Other high-up Democrats gave similarly unenthusiastic responses.

“It’s not particular new news, so I don’t know,” Sen. Dianne Feinstein told the Post of a story that’s less than a week old. “I think it stands on its own… I don’t think we need to take action.”

Sen. Chuck Schumer told the Post that “every allegation like this should be taken seriously” and he believes Carroll is “credible.”

Some Democrats acted like sexual assault allegations against Trump are so commonplace that it’s hardly newsworthy, while admitting they have no idea what they’re talking about.

“Allegations of sexual assault against Trump are almost monthly thing,” Rep. Jim Himes told the Post. “I guess I haven’t thought about it. I don’t know enough about this allegation to have a smart comment on it.”


Even 2020 presidential candidates, who should be taking advantage of every possible angle of attack against Trump, were hesitant to come out too strongly on the issue.

“We know Donald Trump’s character and it’s revealed every single day,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren told the Post. “There aren’t any real surprises here other than the details.”

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, whose campaign has focused on correcting injustices against women, tweeted about the allegations four days after they were made public.

“This president’s misogyny is disqualifying. Women deserve better,” she wrote. “I believe E. Jean.”

The lack of outrage around the allegations even from Democrats is bizarre. When the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump famously bragged about sexual assaulting women, emerged in 2016, it energized millions of women around the world to oppose his presidency. The same thing happened when Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court despite the allegations of sexual misconduct against him—the scandal infuriated women across the country, motivating them to push back on the nomination and the Trump administration (to be fair, top Democrats fucked up that one too).

Since the Access Hollywood tape first emerged, accusers have called on Congress to investigate the allegations against Trump multiple times.

So why is the Democrats response to Carroll’s harrowing allegations so damn pathetic? We don’t know! But it seems pretty dumb to ignore a story that so clearly enrages the president.

Read the rest of the story over at the Post.

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