Troll Posts Creepshot Somehow Proving Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Rich, Gets Ratio'd to Hell

Eddie Scarry wants you to know he covers “politics, media and enemies” at the conservative Washington Examiner. He also wants you to know that, after studying a creepshot of U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez from behind that he claimed was passed along by a Hill staffer, he’s not buying her whole “DC is expensive and I’m not rich” line.

Scarry tweeted on late Thursday, livening up a deathly slow afternoon:

Other Twitter users were quick to point out—to their credit—that this seems to be something of a pastime for the Scarry man, who previously posted photos of unknowing women’s asses and feet. Cool illegal hobby!

This culminated in Scarry getting absolutely, irrevocably ratio’d.

But he pathetically tried to defend himself anyway, even while turning into a corncob before our very eyes:

The man was dead, but the jokesters of online (bless them) wouldn’t let him rest.

The “is AOC secretly rich??” story has been conservatives’ singular fixation for weeks, ever since Ocasio-Cortez said, quite reasonably, in a recent interview with The New York Times that she was bracing for three months without a salary and the prospect of paying rent in two very expensive cities. Now, Fox News and their ilk are obsessed with scrutinizing her every move for signs of MONEY where there SHOULD BE NONE.

Today she’s wearing business professional clothes that MATCH. What’s next, a second pair of shoes?? This is Not My Socialism!!!

Update, Nov. 16, 3:45 p.m. ET: After a couple hours of getting smashed to a pump on the timeline, Scarry deleted the tweet Thursday night, saying his intended sentiment was “taken as something else.” Unclear what that means!

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