Trump and Kanye's Oval Office Hang Was Fucking Wild

On Thursday afternoon, President Donald Trump welcomed Kanye West to the White House for the pair’s recently announced lunch and policy chat, and if that sentence makes you feel like you’re tripping balls, it’s nothing compared to how surreal the actual meeting was.

Sporting a red MAGA hat—which he described as his “superman cape” that gives him “power”—Kanye was at his Kanye-ist. Offering what pool reporters described as a 10 minute “soliloquy,” Kanye said that he’d been mis-diagnosed as being bipolar (he’s just sleep deprived, he claimed, before insisting that “we can empower pharmaceuticals”). He also praised Trump’s “male energy” and described the president as being in the midst of a “hero’s journey,” like he’s Luke Skywalker flipping over swamp mud with Yoda on his back.

Kanye, who plugged his Adidas partnership and made a point of describing himself as a “crazy motherfucker,” also walked Trump back from his earlier statements endorsing the ineffectual police policy of “stop and frisk” in Chicago, with the president stating that he’s open-minded toward alternatives.

He also waxed philosophical about “alternate universes.”

At one point, Kanye pulled out his phone to show Trump a picture of a hydrogen-powered airplane, explaining that “this is what our president should be flying in.” He also railed against the “trap door” of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery.

Kanye ended his Oval Office visit by giving the president a giant hug. Trump, meanwhile, praised Kanye’s performance as “quite something.”

Honestly, the whole thing is such a bizarre train wreck, it’s worth watching for yourself.

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