Trump Is Posting Cringe Now, Making the 2016 Hillary Comparisons Unmistakable

Trump Is Posting Cringe Now, Making the 2016 Hillary Comparisons Unmistakable

One of the defining characteristics of this still early election is how both sides have tacitly declared victory before any meaningful football games have even kicked off. The right is far more guilty of this, as the staggeringly iconic image that Trump created after his assassination attempt provided the backdrop to a potential presidential rout of a confused old man. One fumbled convention speech taunting the people doing his PR plus a coconut coup later, and GOP pollster Frank Luntz “has not seen anything like this” as Kamala Harris surges in the polls while Trump is circling the drain with Elon and risking becoming politics’ version of Drake.

The left’s version of high-stepping before we have reached the endzone are the mounting comparisons between Trump’s 2024 campaign and Hillary Clinton’s disastrous 2016 effort. Anyone making this case is calling their shot whether they mean to or not, because we all know who won that election and it wasn’t the person posting cringe.

Which brings me to the fallen poster @realDonaldTrump, who has just completely given up on embracing the lone part of his rancid personality that a broad swath of people find relatable: his petty humor.

What his account posted today is sad 2016 Hillary pop culture-style desperation, but for a right-wing audience. I’ve held off joining this chorus because I don’t want to jinx it, but I just compared Trump to Drake who history may remember as a bigger loser anyway, so why not jump in with two feet at this point now that he’s provided me with no choice.

What the fuck is this!

This is how you know that Trump doesn’t give a shit about this account anymore now that he has his own fiefdom at TruthSocial, and the tryhard poster who created the most powerful feedback loop in social media history is truly dead and gone. The man who brought us hits like these would never be caught dead posting cringe like that.

I really want to stress that this and the Drake comparison are being made in Trump’s present state and in no way am I trying to predict the future here. I’ve already proven I’m not so great at that anyway. I poked fun at both sides for declaring victory early up front for a reason. I’m checking myself here too. A lot can change in the next 81 days. Just think of how much changed in the previous 81 days.

But we can confirm that we can pour one out for the internet’s most powerful poster. He’s a shell of his former self now–Jaime Moyer at 49 years old giving up a 500-foot scoreboard-breaking home run to Giancarlo Stanton-level washed up. Out here screaming nonsense like “Kamabla” while an AI hallucination of him dances with another hallucination of our worst human to a band that was the source of inspiration for a Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake recurring Saturday Night Live skit. He thought he had this thing all wrapped up at the convention, started spiking the football with celebrities, then got caught totally flat footed in the Midwest and now is in a fight for his political life. It’s unreal, Trump is really turning into 2016 Hillary Clinton.

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