Trump's Friendship ENDED With Michael Cohen, Now Roger Stone Is My Best Friend

President Donald Trump was tweeting up a storm on Monday morning, criticizing his former lawyer and confidant Michael Cohen for asking a judge for a lenient sentence of “time served” and for cooperating with the Mueller investigation.

As the Washington Post reported last week, Cohen has spent “no time in jail outside of routine processing related to his convictions.” So yeah, glad to see that Trump thinks that Cohen should pay dearly for his crimes of…

…basically everything “unrelated to Trump,” Cohen’s role covering up the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, and more specifically, lying to Congress about Trump’s failed efforts to build a Trump Tower in Russia notwithstanding.

In continuing his enraged geriatric ramblings, Trump tweeted Cohen “makes up stories,” while thanking (or begging) Roger Stone for his continued public pledge of allegiance to “’President Trump’” (quotations his) and refusing to testify, or in Trump’s words, “be forced by a rogue and out of control prosecutor [Robert Mueller] to make up lies and stories.”

In an interview with ABC News on Monday, Stone said that he’s “had no discussion regarding a pardon” from Trump should he be indicted or convicted in the Mueller probe. Nice to know he’s still willing to put his “guts” on the line, even still.

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