Two Simple Rules to Prevent War

With the appointment of ultra-aggro-chickenhawk John Bolton as National Security Adviser, Donald Trump seems to be setting the stage for another overseas war. Will we allow ourselves to be led into another violent catastrophe? Or will we put in place simple, common-sense measures to give our leaders an interest in the common welfare of humanity?

As each modern war proves anew, the people who start wars are not often the same people forced to suffer a war’s awful consequences. No matter what your political persuasion, it is discomforting to see men in suits sitting in luxurious settings, plotting brash military actions that will result in thousands of bloody deaths. IN ORDER to ensure that—at the very least—American presidents are not compelled to rush into ill-advised conflicts without a full reckoning of the humans costs, we strongly advise Congress to enact the following two simple rules.

  1. Whenever a new war is started by the U.S., the president will be shot in the knee.
  2. Whenever a new war is started by the U.S., all of the president’s children and nieces and nephews will be drafted and sent to the front lines.

The first rule ensures that the president is able to sympathize with the cost of war in a visceral—but not fatal—way.

The second rule ensures that the president is able to sympathize with the families of those caught up in wars in a visceral—and perhaps fatal—way.

We’re all in this together.

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