What's Sarah Huckabee Sanders Up To?

Days after Fox News announced that it hired former White House liar Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a contributor, the former press secretary debuted a new website that looks eeeeerily similar to any of the sites the 2020 Democratic candidates have online.

The website has links to her story about being the “very first mom” to be a White House Press Secretary, some media clips, and a page to contact her and express interest in booking her for a speaking engagement. Her homepage includes fields to “stay in touch” sign up for email updates.

It’s a pretty run-of-the-mill website for media chuds, but given the rumblings of a gubernatorial run in Arkansas, this Very Candidate-y website is worth investigating.

So what exactly is Sanders up to?

Well, wouldn’t I like to know! So I enlisted Gizmodo’s Dell Cameron for some tech help. Despite the tools available for URL and IP lookups, whoever runs the website did a damn good job of securing the fuck out of it—GoDaddy proxies everywhere, and not a loose end in sight.

Perhaps the most insightful information would be the IP history for the domain, showing it was first registered in 2015, then switched in June of this year—around the time that Politico reported that Sanders and Co. were calling major GOP donors and other statewide operatives to test the waters for a possible gubernatorial run—and again in July.

Could Sanders have registered other URLs in anticipation of a 2022 run? None that come to my mind. SarahSanders.com reroutes to the website of an actor with the same name. SHS.com reroutes to Sears Home Services (lol). HuckabeeSanders2022.com isn’t registered (nor is HuckabeeSanders2020.com. Just checking!!!).

The most promising domain, SarahforArkansas.com appears to be “parked” by GoDaddy, but doesn’t reroute to any website. The Domain Tools lookup does say it was created in May of this year, however, though that doesn’t necessarily mean anything either.

SARAH, WHAT DOES THIS WEBSITE MEAN?? I’ve “connected” with Sanders by sending her “a note” via her website to inquire about this site further and will update this post if I hear back.

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