Why the UFO Story Matters, and It Has Nothing to Do with UFOs

Why the UFO Story Matters, and It Has Nothing to Do with UFOs

As much as I would like to sit here and only talk about the new video from NewsNation of an alleged egg-shaped UFO being carried by a military helicopter and an interview with Jacob Barber, the man who allegedly saw it, I know nothing more about that than you do, so I want to open this UFO blog by placing the entirety of UFOs outside this argument.

For now, let’s just look at that vast blob of dis/misinformation and the unknown as “the place that money goes to.” We know that money has gone to the unknown because the former Senate Majority Leader said he allocated $22 million to AAWSAP, a government study of the paranormal done on the notorious Skinwalker Ranch by the billionaire Robert Bigelow’s Bigelow Aerospace. Harry Reid said The New York Times got part of its major 2017 scoop wrong when they said that money he apportioned went to AATIP, Luis Elizondo’s Pentagon program that studied UFO reports. The point here is: this is about money, and a lot of it given out by the government to private contractors over decades.

Which means that it’s a fundamental constitutional issue, because Congress is the one who apportions that money, which is ours. That’s why they have been having hearings and looking into it, because they strongly suspect that they have been lied to for a very long time. If Congress is apportioning money to something in the military industrial complex that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us about in his famed and prescient farewell address, and that money is going to things other than what Congress approved, then it is an open question of who really runs this country. We are living in the consequences of Eisenhower’s unheeded warning, as defense contractors have state-like power in their ability to influence our foreign and domestic policy. The implication inherent in the broader UFO story is that this power extends deep into the bowels of our most classified Special Access Programs (SAPs).

If a lack of oversight is unfolding in the opaque world of the unidentified, then it is probably happening in other places too. That’s one of the basic threads being pulled on here by Congress, and many companies, some of whose names rhyme with schmockheed shmartin, have long been rumored to be deeply involved with this big blob that money goes to.

UFOs are a way for Congress to rein in some of the unchecked influence of defense contractors and the actual deep state that lives behind SAPs, and they are now searching for something, informed by people like Jacob Barber who said he did speak in a SCIF to the Senate Intelligence Committee, and he also spoke to incoming Secretary of State Marco Rubio’s Senate staff. In his NewsNation interview, Barber, whose stories are admittedly tough to stomach but whose credibility is strongly defended by Col. John Blitch, a former elite Delta Force sniper who once commanded a nuclear weapons battalion, tells a story of working for a private entity to recover what he believed was information about the unknown on a hard drive.

“The very next time we went out, things got strange for me. My spidey senses, my intuition, was on high alert because our intel contact changed; the rhythm and style of our intel changed. As we got closer to the day in which we were going to deploy, intelligence kept changing. That raised my concern, but we ended up going anyway. When we got there, the [high value targets] were gone, and it was clear that shots had been fired.”

If a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of Barber’s story is true, there is a massive scandal in the government that intimately involves defense contractors having bare amounts of oversight. That dystopian future that so many movies and TV shows love to depict about private armies and such? Forget the blob of unknown, there was a ton of evidence provided in Iraq and Afghanistan to suggest that dystopia is a lot more real than fiction would lead you to believe.

America has been in crisis since long before Donald Trump. The dual societal-shattering lies of Vietnam and Watergate sent every trust metric from the 1970s onward on a down only trajectory for a generation, as neoliberalism began to strip the country for parts to sell to the highest bidder over the next half-century. The government is corrupt and lies to you is less of an opinion and more a statement of fact these days, especially as the Trump administration comes in and does things like hold the NIH hostage so they can reportedly get their freak show anti-vaxxer confirmed to oversee it.

But it’s true that the government has been lying to us since before Vietnam, at least since the week in 1947 where they said that they recovered a “flying saucer” but soon supposedly realized it to be a “weather balloon.” As I wrote in my deep dive on what I think Chuck Schumer may know about UFOs, this absurd and literally unbelievable tale does not automatically mean they brought a flying saucer to the Roswell Army Air Field, but I have a very hard time believing that the top intelligence agents at one of the few nuclear bases on the planet still came back to work the next day after being so convinced that a weather balloon was an alien spaceship that they ran and told the press. There’s a lie(s) somewhere in the Roswell story, that’s for certain.

Whatever is going on in this big blob of unknown ranges from complete and utter bullshit with billions wasted on it to a Copernican breakthrough with the potential to fundamentally change the way that mankind sees the universe. No matter where the truth falls on that vast spectrum, the government and its defense contractors that it has been shoveling billions into are concealing it from us. This is part of the constitutional crisis that a president warned us of a generation ago.

If the truth ultimately does fall further toward the existential part of that range, then we are looking at a literal coup of reality itself by interests in the government and their allies in private industry, as we have been lied to for decades about our relationship to the world, all so that scientific inquiry in the public’s general interest can stay hidden away in profit centers. The scandal being uncovered in front of your eyes by a new wave of whistleblowers, reporters, Congressional hearings and scientific studies is a familiar one–lies in the name of private profit–the rest is just details.

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